How Does Internal Linking Help SEO: The Ultimate Guide for Internal Linking

Mark Segal

Co-Founder and CEO @ Hyro Digital

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If you want to boost your website’s search engine rankings, you need to pay more attention on how does internal linking help seo? The term “internal link” refers to a link that leads from one page on your site to another. They play a significant role in search engine optimisation because they show Google your site’s hierarchy and how it connects to other websites. In this piece, I’ll go over why internal linking is so crucial, how to do it, and how search engine optimization can assist you. If you want to improve your website’s search engine rankings, you should implement internal links.

how does internal linking help seo

What are internal links?

The term “internal link” refers to a hyperlink that directs the user from one page on a domain to another page on the same domain. Only within this domain can you find these links. In addition to helping Google understand how your website is organised, they strengthen the coherence of your website. For instance, if you write a blog post about search engine optimisation (SEO), you might want to link to one about keywords. This would be an internal link to the website. The two primary types of internal links are:


These are the most typical variety of an organisation’s internal links. Simply put, they are links that you add to your content by making use of HTML.

Anchor text:

This is a specific kind of hyperlink that does not include a URL but rather employs illustrative text. If you’re linking to a blog post about search engine optimisation (SEO), for instance, the anchor text could be something like “SEO tips for beginners.”

How Does Internal Linking Help SEO?

Now that we’ve established what internal links are and why they’re important, let’s look at how they can benefit your website’s SEO.

Internal links assist Google in comprehending the structure of your website. That is, they can assist your website in ranking higher in search results. They also contribute to a better user experience on your website by making it easier for visitors to find relevant information. Internal linking is important for SEO for two main reasons:

  • They assist Google in comprehending the structure of your website. That is, they can assist your website in ranking higher in search results. They contribute to a better user experience on your website by making it easier for visitors to find relevant information.
  • They can pass link equity, also known as “link juice,” to other pages on your site. When two pages are linked together, link equity is the value that is passed from one to the other. This value can aid in the ranking of the page receiving the link equity.

How many internal links should I have on a page?

There is no “ideal” or “magical” number of internal links that should be present on a page. Nevertheless, as a general guideline, it is a good idea to keep the number of links on each page below 100. This will help to ensure that your pages load quickly and that Google understands the structure of your website. It will also provide your pages with the link equity required to rank well in search results.

Setting up an internal linking strategy

Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals of internal linking let’s discuss the steps involved in developing a strategy for internal linking. The following are the steps that need to be taken:

Identify the best structure for your website:

The first thing you need to do is determine which structure will work best for your website. This indicates that you need to give some thought to how you want people to navigate through your website and what kind of information you want them to be able to find on your site.

Creating a sitemap:

You should create a sitemap once you have a good understanding of the structure of your website. A sitemap is an XML file that informs Google (and other search engines) about the structure and organisation of your website. A sitemap can be generated using a tool or manually adding your pages to an XML file.

Adding internal links to your content:

Now that you’ve created a sitemap, you can begin adding internal links to your content. As previously stated, there are two primary methods for accomplishing this: hyperlinks and anchor text.


To add a hyperlink, simply enter the URL of the page to which you want to link your content. So, for example, if you’re linking to an SEO blog post, you’d simply include the URL of that blog post in your content.

Anchor text:

To add an anchor text link, include the text that will be used as the link in your content. For example, if you’re linking to an SEO blog post, include the text “SEO tips for beginners” in your content. When you’ve finished adding links to your content, save and publish it!

Consider including navigational links:

Adding navigational links might be a good idea in addition to linking to your content. Links that appear in the navigation menu of your website and aid users in navigating it are known as navigational links.

Adding a “related articles” section:

Including a “related articles” section to your posts and pages is another excellent way to add internal links to your website. Links to additional related articles on your website are included in this section, which appears at the end of your content. A related articles section can be manually added or added using a plugin.

Nofollow links:

The use of nofollow links is something you might want to think about when including internal links on your website. Links that don’t pass link equity are known as nofollow links. They, therefore won’t contribute to raising the page they are linking to. However, by making it simpler for visitors to find relevant information, they can still contribute to enhancing the user experience on your website. Simply add the “rel=nofollow” attribute to the URL of the page you’re linking to create a nofollow link.

Internal links vs external links:

It is essential to have a thorough understanding of the distinction between internal links and external links.

  • Links that navigate from one page within your website to another page within your website are referred to as internal links. Links that originate from your website but lead to another website are known as external links.
  • Both inbound and outbound links are crucial for search engine optimisation. Internal linking, on the other hand, is frequently more important than external linking because it enables you to control the flow of link equity on your website.
  • By interlinking, you can also give more link equity to the pages that are the most important to your site. This is because you have complete command over the number of internal links that point to each individual page on your website. On the other hand, it is more difficult to exert control over external linking. This is due to the fact that you do not have any control over the number of other websites that link to your website.

You can enhance the user experience on your website by interlinking. It can help people find what they’re looking for easier because it lets you add links to related information. Gratitude for reading! We trust that this article has given you a better understanding of how internal linking can enhance the SEO of your website. Please contact with us if you have any queries. You can join Hyro digital to learn more about this fact easily.